Sunday, September 29, 2013

September 27, 2013 - Access Databases...

Today we worked with Microsoft Office Access databases...and today most of the class, including myself, have figured out that we share a common major dislike for that software...

Here is a picture of my Access database project that I did in class:
Dropbox link to the document:

We had to come up with a list of transactions for a bank account on Access, and come up with a statement that shows one month Credit transactions only, not debit or chequeing like we also had to add to the Access database.

I understand that it is an awesome program for making databases, but I personally prefer working with Mysql as that is how I was taught to use, and I don't find as annoying as some people may think it is.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

September 26, 2013 - Excel, Letterhead, and being a good technician

Today in class we talked about being a good technician.

Looking for the part, acting the part, knowing the part, and being the part. Also on how to be safe at the workplace as well.

We worked on a letterhead for our "company", Corey and I each made one for T-Tech Media, mine is here:

We were also given a task at the last half an hour of the day to come with a maximum 2 minute video on showing the differences between a good technician and a bad technician, below is a embedded YouTube copy of mine and Tyler's video that we made:

Monday, September 23, 2013

September 23, 2013 - CPU, Thermal Paste, Goldilocks

Today I finally had done my presentation on "Goldilocks and the Three Bears".

If you wish to see it on Slideshare, here is the link:

Today we talked about CPUs, APUs, dual core, single core, and a lot more.

We also got to present about multicore CPUs vs single core CPUs

A single core processor has to split up a task to be able to run the process fully, while a mutlicore one can process it all at once.

After we presented, we got to install heatsinks on a CPU at the back of the room, when I went to remove the heatsink from a CPU that a classmate did, the CPU came up with the heatsink. It ended up that when I went to put the CPU back into the socket (I made sure everything was lined up) the pins were bent. Corey ended up lightly bending the pins back by first using an empty tip of a mechanical pencil, then using a very fine ended flat head screwdriver to finely bend them back. After him doing that it managed to fit back into

Here is a couple videos on how to put on thermal paste:

Friday, September 20, 2013

Sepetember 19, 2013 - Phone calls and Triple Monitors

We worked on doing phone calls for our practicums...I sucked at it, although it was really funny when everyone else did it. I really need to get better at doing phone calls as I will be doing quite a few this year between this course and Scouts.

Corey also brought in his computer and we managed to hook up 3 monitors to it, after class we showed our teacher about it.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

September 18, 2013 - RAM and more Internal Compute work

Today we learned about RAM, I took a few Cornell notes as I could not keep up with the teacher again...hopefully I won't do that bad on the test/quiz tomorrow...

Me and Corey got MemTest86 working on a Dell computer, not one of the white ones like we were supposed to...oops...either way, we got it working, and I believe our teacher was talking about "oh, maybe that computer could just...disappear".

I keep forgetting to bring my disc book of software cd's to class, and also keep forgetting that not all computers that have USB ports can boot from them.