Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Practicum 2 Journal 2 - January 3, 2014 - Rainbow Greenhouses

So today me and Wes (the person that I am working under) went out of the office and went to Chiliwack to a place called Rainbow Greenhouses. They recently have built a brand new building beside their current one for expanding their office and making a REALLY LARGE (and long) greenhouse area. When we arrived their it ended up that the employees themselves had moved over an set up their desktop systems. So Wes and I had moved over the servers and the leftover UPS units that were still left in the old building. After that I ended up wiring the networking patch panel to the switch (not splicing the cables into the patch panel though), after helping their tech setup her machines and the servers, I was sent to setup the front desk computer (the monitor cables were too short for it). After using a punch down tool and punching a CAT6 Ethernet socket for the printer, and making a cable for one of the employees there who wished to use Ethernet for his laptop, Wes and I were done there, so we came back to the office, finished up some stuff here, then went home.

So a pretty productive second day on the job, Monday I am working again, so we will see what I will be up to then.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Thomas, it was nice to have you along that day, you didn't hesitate at all and dove right in. I was impressed!
