Thursday, January 16, 2014

Practicum 2 Journal 8 - January 13, 2014

This switch is really cool when you get into it.It has one major flaw though that Wes and I see with it, you have to go three steps down into the menu to save the settings no matter how small or insignificant they may be. But today we got VLANs going and mostly syncing up with pfSense.

pfSense is really cool for the fact that it doesn't need brand new hardware at all, all it mainly needs is an old desktop computer with a second (or more depending on what you want to do with it) network cards. Their is so much you can do with it, such as captive portals for connections (for example that login screen you see when you sign in to the local McDonalds or Starbucks WIFI connection and you have to click agree), VLANs, Wake on LAN, load balancing, redundant internet connections, it even supports something called CARP. CARP allows pfSense to essentially sync itself with another pfSense box which in turn makes redundant boxes capable.

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